Announcing the Winners of ‘Looking at the World Through Flowers’ Contest

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By The Editors



We are happy to announce the winners of our contest, “Looking at the World Through Flowers.”

First Place

Stacey Koch (above image) has won first place in the contest. Koch will receive a prize of $100 for her painting of daffodils in a snow-covered landscape.

Second Place

In second place, Jean Marie Bucich will receive $50 for her painting of a single daffodil against a blue sky.

Third Place

Linda Miranda Fix has won third place for her painting. She will receive $25.


In mid-March, artist David Hockney unveiled Do You Remember They Can’t Cancel the Spring, a new iPad painting of daffodils in bloom in Normandy where he was in lockdown with his dog Ruby. Daffodils are not only harbingers of spring, but they are also symbols of hope, rebirth, and new beginnings. In early April, Hockney released several more paintings and drawings of fruit trees and daffodils.

“I went on drawing the winter trees that eventually burst into blossom,” he told the BBC about his series. “This is the stage we are right now. Meanwhile the virus is going mad, and many people said my drawings were a great respite from what was going on.”

We invited our readers to submit paintings and drawings inspired by Hockney’s work.

The winners of our contest were selected by our esteemed judges, art collector Sue Stoffel and art writer and editor Alexandra Peers in collaboration with our editorial team.

Special Mention for Children’s Work

We also want to give special mention to the children who submitted work.

A T-shirt painted by Eli and Leo Steinhardt.

A painting by Essie O’Brien.

We received many wonderful and inspired submissions from our readers and want to thank everyone who participated. As we say at Flower Power Daily, Petal On!

Contest Teaser from Nancy Molina on Vimeo.

Photo credits: Featured and first image: Stacey Koch, 2) Jean Marie Bucich, 3) Linda Miranda Fix, 4) Eli and Leo Steinhardt, and 5) Essie O’Brien