San Francisco Tulip Show Attendance Quadruples!

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By Jill Brooke

Guess word got out about how enjoyable it is to be around flowers since 35,000 people flocked to San Francisco’s tulip festival this weekend.

Well, another catnip attraction could be that 80,000 free tulips were donated in honor of International Women’s Day. Last year, 8,000 people came and now it has swelled to over 35,000. Talk about word of mouth.

When you are surrounded by such beauty, flower fans know it is not only restorative but memorable. And far cheaper than taking a plane to the Netherlands for their famed tulip festivals. (Though everyone should have this on their bucket list). The S.F. event is in the U.S. and growing in popularity since its inception in 2018.

“Tulips signify the beginning of spring, and everyone was delighted to be together this year, surrounded by the beauty and bright colors,” says Henk Westerhof, chairman of Royal Anthos, organizers of the event.

Mayor London Breed celebrating tulip

“These tulips exemplify a strong connection with the Netherlands, including our economic ties as well as our shared commitment on climate action, civil rights, and equality,” added Mayor London N. Breed. “It was an honor to welcome Her Majesty Queen Máxima to San Francisco, and I thank the Dutch people for gifting us with the stunning display of tulips in Golden Gate Park.”

A nice touch is that a special London N. Breed tulip has been created and planted in the Queen Wilhelmina Garden in Golden Gate Park.

As it is customary in the Netherlands to express gratitude with flowers, 5,000 bulbs of the London N. Breed tulip have been planted as a symbol of the enduring friendship between the Netherlands and San Francisco.

As part of the campaign, those who came to the festival were invited to pick and build a tulip bouquet to gift to a woman who has inspired them. Could be anyone from Maya Angelou to your mom or even a favorite friend.

Tulip festivals are blooming all over the world since it remains one of the world’s most beloved flowers. In fact, it is also now a U.S. postal stamp as well. The varieties of flowers also come in a rainbow of colors and styles to charm and calm anyone with their beauty.