Study Shows Men Become More Communicative When Given Flowers

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By Jill Brooke
Want your guy to be more romantic and communicative? Surprise him with a bouquet of flowers. Consider it foreplay and an effective tool for seduction. Science shows it works magic. 
According to a behavioral study conducted by Rutgers University researcher Holly Hale and psychology professor Jeannette Haviland-Jones, the men who receive flowers demonstrated increased eye contact in conversation, stood in closer proximity to the researchers and produced more positive smiles than men in the study group who didn’t receive flowers.
That supports our belief that no act of kindness is wasted. “When it comes to receiving flowers, men and women are on the same playing field,” wrote Haviland-Jones. “It seems that we all express extraordinary delight and an increase in our social behavior.”
But be conscious of your messaging. There is a language for flowers. Here are Flower Power Daily’s suggestions: 

We’re assuming you want some romance, so stick with darker colors, and shy away from pale pink Damask roses. Go for the ruby red, passionate roses or those roses interspersed with dark twigs to make them more masculine.

Maybe you want to hint at having some alone time on a deserted beach somewhere. Send him something tropical. An anthurium plant with its heart-shaped, crimson flower is surrounded by dense foliage and is both bold and beautiful.

Do you want to trigger the feeling that being with you is like summoning the sun in all its brightness? Of course, you do. So perhaps give him a bunch of sunflowers mixed with roses.

Irises have something phallic about them. They are naturally proud and have an air of being standoffish. But be conscious of the color. If you are in a new relationship, mention how the blue iris is aligned with hope and faith for the future.

Oddly enough, the yellow iris signifies passion, because it is rarer.

The purple iris, however, represents wisdom. This guy would be wise to want to be with you. The ruffled German bearded iris, with its white and mauve tones, is particularly intricate and mysterious and conveys that the sender is a person who knows what they want and requires a bit more maintenance – but is worth it.

Dark purple or black calla lilies are my favorite choice to give to a man. They are sexy and sensuous. They inspired artists like Georgia O’Keefe. While the common white calla lilies naturally say purity and innocence, and the equally common pink has a connotation of admiration and appreciation, the rare black calla lilies are powerfully alluring. A card could accompany just one black lily with the words, “You are as rare a find as a black calla lily.” If you want to add another dimension, pair it with a dark purple tulip, which represents nobility and royalty. We should always treat those we love like royalty.

After all, the whole purpose of giving flowers is to tell someone they are special.

It’s also 2022.  Girls can give flowers to guys, too.


Jill Brooke is a former CNN correspondent, Post columnist and editor-in-chief of Avenue and Travel Savvy magazine. She is an author and the editorial director of FPD.

Pexels / 9160 Roses and twigs,; MichaelGaida/;  5537 Anthurium,; Cornelinux / 25, Roses and Sunflowers,
Antranias / 3295 Blue Iris,; Liz West, Yellow Iris,; Kylir Horton, Purple Iris,; Chris Buckridge, Purple Calla Lilies,; Orvando Flowers