How to Create Amazing Tables for Zooming with Friends and Family

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By Jill Brooke

Our flower lovers manage to be creative despite any obstacles – including Covid-19 – which clearly has defined 2020.

But as nature teaches us, we learn to be adaptive and often beautiful results then appear.

Tips to Find Joy Despite Covid-19 Restrictions

Although Easter lilies are often available in spring, many of us only have daffodils or perhaps tulips at our disposal. Consider other flowers to enliven your table.

Here Carolyn Roehm used both daffodils and tulips to brighten her table while Jill Brooke from Flower Power Daily in the above photo used orchids and daffodils with her decor.

Tory Burch used luscious lemony parrot tulips for her table setting. Along with fresh flowers, she also used floral-inspired plates and napkins to create a festive feeling.

 Learn to be resourceful with what you have.  Look outside for branches or greenery that can decorate the table. We are big fans of taking outside greenery and scattering it on the table. It creates a garden-like feeling. In fact, Jill often puts flowers like the daffodils on the greenery or inside leaves to create a truly special effect.  

Use some faux flowers as well to mix with live flowers.  When you see Jill’s table setting, can you guess which ones are faux and what are real?

Many of us will be Zooming now with friends and family. Angle the computer so one can see you and not the flower arrangement. Or this year opt for just low vases or clusters of flowers.

Be inventive with vases. Executive Life Coach Nancy Steiner, a lifelong gardener, put matzoh on a vase to create this charming display.

Also, be inventive with decor around flowers. We couldn’t help but giggle and admire the creativity of Stacy Geisinger, who runs – with her Seder plate. It certainly defines this particular moment of time. It can be used long after Passover. She showed both humor and creativity – and as we know – humor is essential along with flowers in getting through anything.

Despite what you are feeling, find ways to dress your table up because it will lift everyone’s spirits – including yours.

This advice is not only applicable to holidays but every night.

It is telling the world and your family that civility, creativity and love can always exist – no matter the circumstances.

As Buddha once said, manners create order in chaos.

Plus you want to be known for always having style, don’t you? So even if your holiday gathering is virtual this year,  bring out the napkins, the plates, the flowers and of course, lots of wine.

Jill Brooke is a former CNN correspondent, Post columnist and editor-in-chief of Avenue and Travel Savvy magazine. She is an author and the editorial director of FPD.