Deets on Special Olympics Red Dahlia for Paris 2024

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Look out for a special red flower to commemorate the Paris 2024 Olympics!

What style the French have in presenting the Paris 2024 Olympics. Not only did opening acts include Lady Gaga and the return of Celine Dion, both decked out in Dior – but a special flower called the Olympic Games Dahlia was created by Parc Floral de Paris under the supervision of Christophe Kneblewski.

He is the impresario overseeing the botanical garden’s  420 varieties of dahlias. The deep red crimson shade was chosen  to “symbolize the passion of the Games” and will also pop up in 150 Paris parks and gardens. As Ville de Paris wrote, “With its vibrant orange-red hue, it evokes the Olympic flame.”

As was reported, to obtain its inimitable color, which evokes the shimmer of the Olympic flame, the gardener introduced pollen from a red flower into a pink mother plant. Furthermore, no synthetic products were used in creating this hybrid flower. We have a video here also to show you the process.

Over 50,000 were planted of these double-headed beauties. These flowers will not be in bouquets for athletes since France has chosen to reduce carbon footprints and not have floral awards. For example, for the Olympics in Japan, the bouquets consisted of flowers with deep symbolism of resilience and fortitude.

Olympic Medalists Carry Bouquet to Podium Full of Symbolism

But one can enjoy these special flowers while in Paris and hopefully one can eventually purchase one as well as a memory of Paris Olympics 2024.